• Question: What does space smell like?

    Asked by anon-225888 to Sameed, Jose, joannabarstow, Heidi, Freya, Chris on 20 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Jose Brandao-Neto

      Jose Brandao-Neto answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      smells weird, because if you’d try, it would steal lots of molecules from your nose and it would smell weird.

    • Photo: Heidi

      Heidi answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      Astronauts returning from space have reported that space smells a bit burnt and metallic.
      There’s also been research which suggests that galaxies smell like rum and taste like raspberries! This is based off the types of molecules astronomers have found in dust in the galaxies, like amino acids.
