• Question: What made you want to come on to this website?

    Asked by anon-226451 to Sameed, Jose, joannabarstow, Heidi, Freya, Chris on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Jose Brandao-Neto

      Jose Brandao-Neto answered on 19 Nov 2019: last edited 19 Nov 2019 8:51 am

      Hi jazz362,
      I joined the event so I could get the prize to fund the making of kits (3d models plus demo instructions) to show people visiting science fairs how medicinal drugs are discovered these days.
      And how to get pineapple to drill holes in jelly (or not).
      And you can help me design those kits as well!
      Check my pledge, lookout for Flatlining, Deworming, Baldness and Saliva!

    • Photo: Heidi

      Heidi answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      I came on I’m a Scientist because I really enjoy sharing my love of astronomy and space! I think it’s really important that scientists share their work and how they discover new things with the public, so the public can trust scientists more. It’s also important for me to share science with the next generation of scientists, i.e. you guys, so you know what being a scientist is like as a job, and hopefully inspire some of you to think about working in science in the future. 🙂
