• Question: What's the funniest thing you have done in your job so far ?

    Asked by anon-225682 to Sameed, Jose, joannabarstow, Heidi, Freya, Chris on 14 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Joanna Barstow

      Joanna Barstow answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      I bought an inflatable baby bath shaped like a duck using the department’s credit card!

      There was a good reason for it. A friend and colleague who was good at sewing used a couple of cheap jumpers to make a cover for it, so it looked like comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (the comet Rosetta and Philae visited, which happens to be shaped like a duck). We then developed a ‘pin the lander on the comet’ activity for an open day.
